The Preventative Health Practitioner Program provides the roadmap needed to build your own portable, profitable, impactful wellness business based on our proven system for creating foundational wellness developed through years of Functional Medicine and Environmental Health research, practice, & expertise.
PHP Training includes everything you need to launch a new career. The only prerequisites are a commitment to learning, a passion for helping others, and an internet connection!
Connect with an Empowerment Team Member to discuss your unique journey and get the insight you need to make the best decision for your goals!
Learn From Anywhere
Preventative Health Practitioner Training is designed with a flexible, balanced lifestyle in mind and helps you build your business with those same priorities!
The Preventative Health Practitioner program puts you on the path to creating significant, positive change in your life and in the lives of others, no matter what the symptoms, concerns, or labels might be.
We teach the Preventative Health Lifestyle because when you focus on removing the interferences, the body has an amazing, innate ability to heal itself and thrive.
Learn how to use our proven, in-place systems, based on the principles of Functional Medicine and Environmental Health along with years of research, clinical experience, and client outcomes to empower your clients to live in a way that reverses symptoms, optimizes wellness, and prevents future dys-function!
Take the Steps to Create the Life You Want to Live!
Step 1 of the Preventative Health Practitioner (PHP) Certification path is Body Burden Bootcamp, which you will use with your own clients and Take Your Health Back Now’s foundational program. We are the only program to focus on YOU first so that you can optimize your OWN health and wellness, ensuring you are in the best position to launch your own business. We also believe that to be a great coach you must have taken your own journey and be “walking the walk” in order for others to follow in your footsteps!
Once you are certified you are on our TEAM! We are not just selling Certifications; we are truly on a mission to change the world and to do that we need as many people on our team as possible. By the time you complete your certification, we make sure you are ready to successfully take on your first client and we continue to support you as your business grows! When you are a PHI Certified Preventative Health Practitioner, your success is our success!
PHP training has been created to save you time, money, and frustration. Once you are a Certified PHP, you are able to register every one of your clients into the Take Your Health Back Now ecosystem and they immediately get access to the PREBUILT platform including resources, programming, and a private member community. This is a huge value not just to you, but also to your clients because they are able to continue to be successful and supported long after you are done working with them.
As a Certified Preventative Health Practitioner, you will have all the tools and expertise needed to teach people how to take back control of their lives. Empowering someone to go from sick and tired to thriving and happy is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can imagine and you will get to do that as a career!
Enroll Today & Take Clients in Just 6+ Months!
The Preventative Health Practitioner Training & Certification not only teaches you how you can reverse chronic health issues, optimize wellness, and prevent future dysfunction, it also provides all the tools you will need to run a successful, impactful business helping others! When you become Certified, you will feel confident that you are ready to take on and help clients right away. Instead of asking yourself “now what?” and spending more time and money learning to build a framework, you will be able to jump right in, using our proven system with exclusive access to our online programming, resources, and support for every person you work with!
Success Stories
Why Preventative health Practitioner CERTIFICATION?

Certification with Ongoing Support
Our goal is to build a team of Preventative Health Practitioners who are changing the world, one person at a time! Even after you’ve earned your Certification, we are here to support you. Your success is our success!

Online & Flexible
Our varied programming and online platform means you can study from anywhere- for 20 minutes during a break or for a full day from home or on the road. We understand that a balanced lifestyle is part of true success!

45+ Years of Combined Experience
The Team behind the Preventative Health Institute has over 45 years of combined experience in the areas of Functional Medicine, Environmental Health, Client Engagement, Business Development, and Technology.
Create a Thriving Business Faster!
By the time you have completed training, you will have everything you need to build your own successful, virtual, health and wellness business! Unlike most other certification programs, there is no period of “what now?” You understand how to use our successful framework, we give you access to all of our content, PLUS your clients are able to access the entire Take Your Health Back NOW! platform, with programming and resources already in place and constantly updated!
Fill a Growing Need
Studies show that Chronic Illness currently causes 36 million deaths per year and related care will incur costs of around $47 trillion by 2030. Most people do not know that lifestyle, diet, and environmental choices make up 95% of the root causes of these diseases. Our future depends on Preventative Healthcare and becoming a Preventative Health Practitioner will put you in a position to make real, positive impacts on people’s lives!
Unlimited Income Potential
We believe that part of true wellness in life is having an abundance of time and money. We also know that means different things for different people and sometimes it can even mean different things for the same person at different times in their life. We kept all of that in mind when developing the price structure for both our training program and what we recommend Certified Preventative Health Practitioners charge for their services. You only need to take on 3 clients in order to recoup your investment, then what you want to earn and how much time you put into your business is completely up to you!
Success Stories
Frequently Asked Questions
What system does the Preventative Health Institute teach and what is is based on?
The systems used by the Preventative Health Institute are based on years of clinical experience, real-world outcomes, data from functional lab testing, client symptoms, progression & outcomes, as well as continuing practice and research in the areas of Functional Medicine and Environmental Health.
What we teach in all of our programs is a Preventative Lifestyle Approach, developed by Take Your Health Back NOW!. There is no need to diagnose disease or treat any particular condition; instead, the foundations of wellness are taught through lifestyle recommendations in the 4 main areas of Mindset, Diet, Environment, and Movement. Take Your Health Back NOW! (TYHBN) developed this framework from the ground up out of a need for foundational knowledge, resources, and tools in an easy-to-access format that would allow people to move away from conventional “sick care” and towards health empowerment. The TYHBN system, with it’s online platform combined with one on one mentorships, has proven its effectiveness in the real world, both in the Duquette Functional Medicine Clinic and with Preventative Health Practitioner clients, helping people (and their pets!) to live in a way that allows them to find true wellness!
What Does Preventative Health Practitioner Training Include?
Your journey to becoming a Certified Preventative Health Practitioner (PHP) can begin in several ways, but no matter your path, training with will include Step 1 & Step 2.
(Step 1, included for Certified PHP Training as well as all clients!):
- Membership to the Take Your Health Back NOW! Online Portal which includes:
- The 5 Day Mindset Challenge. Mindset and perspective are key to success that is why we always start here
- The 90 Day Body Burden Bootcamp Program by Take Your Health Back NOW! This is the foundational program used by everyone who works with a PHP. It is focused on healing the internal environment as well as addressing the external environment with a “whole-istic” approach that allows the body to heal itself.
- Community Support – Access to the TYHBN private community so that you can stay engaged, supported, and connected to a like-minded community of people also on their journey to health with the ability to ask the TYHBN team questions in real-time.
- Weekly 1 on 1 Support & Emails for 90 Days – Weekly Mentorship with your PHP to help support you as you complete the Body Burden Bootcamp as well as additional tools, tips, and resources delivered to your inbox!
- Supplement Recommendations & Discounts Through Premier Research Labs.
- Optional Testing Ability to add on functional testing if recommended. (Most people experience significant, positive improvement to their health without the additional cost of testing.)
- Lifetime Access to the online portal, resources, & community!
(Step 2, Only for those on the Certified PHP Training track):
- HEALTH/ 89+ lessons- You will learn the “whys” behind the system in detail, from both a Functional Medicine and Environmental Health perspective.
- WEALTH/ Business Tools and Coaching- As you go through the Health side of the PHP training you will set up your business step by step based on our real-world expertise and success. You will also learn best practices on how to mentor and support clients through the TYBHBN program, so that you will be ready to launch and confident that you will be able to successfully help clients as soon as you are certified!
- Private PHP Community- You will be able to engage with other PHP trainees, Certified Practitioners, the PHI Empowerment Team, as well as co-founders for support, and accountability throughout your training and once you are certified, this same community will help you with clients, support you on your journey, and keep you up to date on the latest research and program updates.
- LIVE PHP Certification Event- Once you have completed the training program, you will attend a Certification Event where you will do an in-depth, hands-on review of the program with the Empowerment Team, Q & A sessions with the PHI Founders and a review of your business setup. Then you will take the Certification Exam and be invited to join in a “graduation” celebration!
(Step 3 – Included for Active, Certified Preventative Health Practitioners):
- Custom Website- When we say that the PHP Program includes EVERYTHING you need to launch as soon as you are certified, we mean it! Every Certified Preventative Health Practitioner will have a simple website built for them (check out an example here!) ensuring they have a web presence and a way for clients to get in touch from day 1!
- An In Place, Proven Framework & Client Resources- You are able to register every single client for lifetime membership in the Take Your Health Back NOW! portal. There is no need to come up with a framework, hire a developer, create resources, research pricing, or any other steps necessary to build a SUCCESSFUL PROGRAM because we have already done that for you! You just need to be the expert, the PREVENTATIVE HEALTH PRACTIONER who can mentor people through Body Burden Bootcamp, support and hold them accountable for making lifestyle changes, and witness significant, positive outcomes!
- Access to Functional Lab Testing- Our staff doctor, Dr. Drew Duquette, is available for consults regarding the need for testing as well as lab work and reporting.
- Continued Access to the TYHBN Portal and Preventative Health Practioner Programming – Keep your own wellness journey moving in the right direction with the TYHBN Portal and ensure you are at the top of your field as a PHP with training programming. The only requirement to continue access and hold certification is to have 1 active client and pass the current PHP Certification Exam each year.
- A Team- The Preventative Health Institute is truly on a mission to change the world! We are not simply here to provide a certificate and then send you out into the world on your own, we consider every Certified PHP a part of our team and their success is the only way to fulfill our mission! The Empowerment Team is here to support every Certified PHP through business growth, hands-on client support, and accountability ensuring PHPs and their clients see the best results possible!
What if I just want to be healthy and I am not looking for a new career?
If you are just sick and tired of being sick and tired and not quite ready to turn your passion for wellness into a career helping others, you can simply work with a Certified Preventative Health Practitioner or you can take a more comprehensive approach by working one on one with our staff doctor, Dr. Drew Duquette. Check out the links below for more details.
What is the mission of the Preventative Health Institute?
The Preventative Health Institute’s mission is to change the world by putting people on their path to health, wellness, and balance.
At PHI, we believe the only way to accomplish this mission is to empower as many people as possible to take control of their own health, moving away from the standard, disease-based healthcare systems and towards a wellness-focused, Preventative Approach to health.
In order to accomplish this mission, we train and certify Personal Preventative Health Practitioners, building a global network of people passionate about guiding and supporting others on their journey to true health, wellness, and balance!